Kate Williams

red rose with green leaves
red rose with green leaves

In 1976 Kate Williams started working in cast glass in Santa Rosa, California, switching to fused glass in about 1990. She has continued with it ever since then.

Cast glass is heated in a crucible such as a flower pot until it flows into a mold. Fusing joins two or more layers of glass in the kiln. Kate then adds texture and shape through more firings and extensive “cold work” like grinding, sandblasting, cutting, and polishing.

“I am motivated by the challenges working in glass creates, especially the scientific ones. In glass, you have to understand the physics/science well before you can become artistic with glass. The learning curve can be long and painful. I also love the colors, transparencies and textures I can create.

“I like to push myself to learn new or different techniques all the time to accomplish my goals.”

Occasionally Kate also teaches. “I do projects with the developmentally disabled community here in Kona, which I greatly enjoy, as do the participants.”